Nieux Society Collective
The Nieux Society Collective consists of artists, creators, mavericks, disruptors, and scholars, all committed to merging art, tech, and entrepreneurship to spark a renaissance in New Orleans. When you own a piece from the Nieux Society Collection, you're holding more than just great art—it's your membership card, granting you access to the Collective and all the benefits that come with it! Art remains in the ownership of the holder, who can also use it for non-commercial purposes.
The Nieux Society Collection is a collaborative project designed by New Orleans artists Jerin Beasley, Lindsey Roussel, and Rachael Noto that fuses art and AI to allow you to create a custom portrait reflecting individual identity & optimism for New Orleans' future. Jerin Beasley's original portrait aims to reveal that underneath us all is a collective "What if it Works" mindset -which is why it is etched into its skull. The mended cracks and bandaids represent our belief in the flawed but resilient city & the X is a nod to the crossroads of a new era of creativity and technology. Plus, the 17 teeth smile recognizes the parishes in our city...intention of inclusivity.
Original holders can customize their token with 500+ AI-assisted attributes.