Member Hosted
Get ready for a Supercharged Arts Night at the Nieux!
Join us for an artsy evening featuring Dr. Genna Styles-Lyas, Americans for the Arts’ AEP6 Community Development and Research Director, Kim Bergeron (#193), founder of National Shop Local Artists Week, and Sam Bowler, founder of Culturalyst.
Founded in 1960, Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education. Dr. Styles-Lyas will join us virtually to present findings from the newly-released Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) economic and social impact study of the nation’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. She will also share tools you can use to promote and advance the arts and economic awareness locally. www.AmericansForTheArts.org.
In 2009, artist and arts advocate Kim Bergeron co-founded the Northshore Cultural Economy Coalition arts advocacy organization. In 2016, she launched via the CEC a local Shop Local Artists Weekend on the northshore, expanding that effort to a statewide event with legislative support in 2017. The following year, she worked with Americans for the Arts to grow this to a nationwide event. National Shop Local Artists Week is now celebrated annually during the first full week in December. Kim will share information as to how artists of all genres, arts organizations and businesses can capitalize on the event for the greater good of all. https://northshorecec.org/
Sam Bowler Samuel Bowler is a writer, sculptor, and technologist based in New Orleans. In 2018 he launched Culturalyst, an online platform designed to make it easy to discover and directly support local artists and culture bearers. Sam’s vision is to enable the creators of local culture to be equitably compensated for their work. For this event, Sam will demonstrate the Culturalyst platform and its many facets, and the opportunities it provides to artists of all genres and cultural economy stakeholders. www.culturalyst.com.
Artists, musicians, writers, performing artists, arts organizations and local businesses can discover invaluable strategies to maximize participation in and benefit from these programs. It’s a great opportunity to engage in lively discussions and forge connections with fellow artists, gallery owners, and business leaders.